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Parrot Bebop2


Parrot Bebop 2 Drone Review- Not Too Shabby - DroneswithTwisted420

Hey there my fellow flying brethren! Thanks for watching my first drone review! I know there is plenty of room for improvement but stick around! They'll only get ...

Parrot BEBOP 2 Drone - Official Video (Launch)

Introducing Parrot Bebop 2 Drone, Your Flying Companion. Fast, agile and lightweight camera drone for everyday. A compact and powerful drone that makes ...

Parrot BeBop 2 Drone with Sky Controller - Full Review

Here is our full in depth review for the Parrot Bebop 2 drone with the Sky Controller. More info: Bepop 2 vs Phantom 3 standard ...

DJI Phantom 3 vs Parrot Bebop 2

A camera test in flight with DJI Phantom 3 professional and Parrot Bebop Drone 2.

Parrot Bebop 2, max speed test with GPS overlay, max Altitude and ReturnToHome

First flight with Parrot Bebop 2 with GPS overlay, testing max speed and max altitude GPS overlay is created with FlightData Manager tool, which can be ...

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